IRH Studio

“Being a ceramicist makes a lot of sense for me, as someone who is sentimental to the point of absurdity. I hold so much value in everyday objects – coffee just does taste better out of your favourite mug.
My obsession with objects of use continues through my process – one of my most used tools is a hand-carved wooden spatula I bought at a festive market in Warsaw years ago. After speaking to the man who had made it, it felt too special to cook with. The wooden grain slightly imprints on the leather-hard clay as I tap mugs into shape. I gave up on the preciseness of wheel throwing. I come back to it from time-to-time but I find hand-building so meditative. The cliche of each hand-built piece having its own personality is one for a reason. It is a bit obvious to say that nature is an influence of mine as it’s at the heart of all ceramics, it’s all of the elements combined.
